Misadventures of a Financier

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Entry Three- a jump in time

Hello again,

countless ears in the desert that hear my wailing, today, I feel like giving up to a temper tantrum, ah, those manic potential clients that feel and believe that I am a moron, and that we should work for free and only to make them rich at our expense...may the darkness of the hades fall upon their minds and may their lips be sealed forever, and only opened only to say yes, I want to sign your contract as written...hahahahaha....hardly the case...this I will state..."I am not a moron!!!!..."..."I refuse to be a fool!!!!...and to those that believe I am a fool...I say unto thee...Sit on it..!!!!...

Entry Three- a jump in time

Hello again,

countless ears in the desert that hear my wailing, today, I feel like giving up to a temper tantrum, ah, those manic potentia clients that feel and believe that I am a moron, and that we should work for free and only to make them rich at our expense...may the darkness of the hades fall upon their minds and may their lips be sealed forever, and only opened only to sat yes, I want to sign your contract as written...hahahahaha....hardly the case...this I will state..."I am not a moron!!!!..."..."I refuse to be a fool!!!!...and to those that believe I am a fool...I say unto thee...Sit on it..!!!!...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Entry Two

...well actually this should be Entry One..the origins..but then again who cares this is just only to feed my ego...

Anyway, this is how it all started;

Back in 1993...after a stint a EDS, that almost killed me, I found myself wondering what to do with my life and cereer of course, many of us humans have been in that dreadful stage, that the employment speciallists call "sticky floor", and thus for the first time out of many throughout the recent years, I had to stop and ask me "what now..." this was most cruel, for my first choice was to make a career all the way up to becomeing a partner at Andersen and CO. in Mexico, for reasons due to pleasing Good Ol' Daddy at getting my BS Degree in Business Administration, I had to quit what seemed at the time my career at doing systems consulting.
It was a rather u npleasant thing to do, but daddy was right. I got the degree and went back at the consulting thing at EDS, and I made it to become a project controller, in a project account that nobody wanted to controlimplement ...after a long battle to implement a project managemt system that nonen was to use, I wound up in the hospital, with grim perspectives....
During those days Daddy was doing some interesting consulting a one of Mexico's foremost construction companies that were mandated to execute the very first Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) projects in the country and probably in Latin America...it was at this point in life that I got "the Call"....to become an Investment Banker....but shall accounted in the next entry...see you around...

Entry One


I finally did it, it took me quite a while, but in the end, it is done, here in this godawful world there is a place for all of us independent Investment Bankers to vent our fortunes and misfortunes at the business raising money for clients unwilling to pay retainers or to cover for the infamous "out of pocket" expenses and the like....
With all due respect to "Lady Liberty", I say unto thee.....
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
My friends and colleagues, this is home, and you're free.....
Let us share the bountyful wit of those prospective clients that never become a client....let us have fun at their backs and faces....let us be merry with our misfortunes...and laugh at our selves..
Feel free to post and have fun....
Yours ever,
Juan Manuel